Going to tish Friday night

ארטיקלען און באטראכטונגען איבער דער חרדי'שער געזעלשאפט און קולטור
פאטעיטא טשיפ
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הודעות: 13
זיך רעגיסטרירט: מאנטאג סעפטעמבער 29, 2014 6:08 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 3 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 18 מאל

Going to tish Friday night

שליחה דורך פאטעיטא טשיפ »

Why is it that most sectors have tish Friday night?
I think it's so not thoughtful to us
We work hard all week the only time I can spend with my husband is Friday night , and instead we should spend time he runs to tish.
Why couldn't tish be shabbos afternoon when the kids are anyway up and I can always send along my boys with him?
How much I begged him to stay home he format want to,
He went to the rov and the rov said he shouldn't give up and he should come to tish.
Meanwhile maybe once every eight weeks he's ok to say home.
Please help

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