Forcing buchirim and girls into shidichim

ארטיקלען און באטראכטונגען איבער דער חרדי'שער געזעלשאפט און קולטור
smart man
מאנשי שלומינו
מאנשי שלומינו
הודעות: 46
זיך רעגיסטרירט: מיטוואך אוגוסט 14, 2013 6:16 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 113 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 40 מאל

Forcing buchirim and girls into shidichim

שליחה דורך smart man »

I have a freind that is a marriage counsler. He meets with couples to help them with shulem bayis. He charges a very low fee, in order to make it affordable. he has helped many couples to put them on the right path.

Lately he told me that he has a case of a young couple that say their parents forced them into the shiduch. The husband is more 'bapitzed' likes to have a good time, otherwise a Serious yungerman. The wife is more a 'frumee' Serious. dresses with covered sheitel, and her dresses are 4 inches longer than her knees. They are different natures, and therefore the marriage counsler is helping them adjust to each other in a resoectfull way.

What is bothering him is that both said that they saw at the date(s) this is not a match, and they both didnt want to proceed, but they were pushed/shoved/forced into it by their parents. When he became pregnant to her unborn baby, they both had the same feeling as 'nebech on this baby that he will have to go through all this'.

I think its wrong to push/shove/force someone (even if he is a 18 year old baby) into a shiduch.

דער אשכול פארמאגט 29 תגובות

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