די נייע ביכעל "we mean business"

ארטיקלען, אנאליזן, מיינונגען, געדאנקען, און שמועסן
פעטער מש
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הודעות: 9
זיך רעגיסטרירט: זונטאג אקטאבער 11, 2015 7:04 pm
האט שוין געלייקט: 1 מאל
האט שוין באקומען לייקס: 15 מאל

די נייע ביכעל "we mean business"

שליחה דורך פעטער מש »

ס'לעצטנס אויסגטיילט געווארן ביי די האזער און בארא פארק א ביכל און ענגליש אויפציוויזן פאר אונזער היימישע ציבור אז פון א פשוטע וועלטליכע פאקט צו יודען צו גויים איז ביי יעדען אנגענומען אלס א פאקט אז א ביזנעס פאנקטעצירט בעסער אויב עס ווערט נישט גענוצט קיין סמארטפון צו
ביי די בעלע בתים צו די ארבייטער, און נאכמער עס נעמט אוועק טייערע צייט פון די ארבייט און מאכט נאך אן שווערע עקאנאמישע פארלוסט פאר די ביזנעס, לעצטענס האבן זיי דאס פארשפרייט אויך אויף יידיש און בתי מדרשים

"This booklet contains educational information based on research and real-world facts, with sources and verifications appended at the end "שטייט אויפן דעקל

איך קען נישט נאך שרייבן אלא ליגנעטס און שטותים פון דעקעל צו דעקל אבער די עיקר איז געבויט אויף אאינדעפענדענט ריסערדטש געמאכט דורך

David Rubel פון די פירמע David Rubel Consultant

די ביכל שרייבט we engaged an independent firm to conduct their own unbiased research.... Their process took a number of weeks and thousands of dollars to complete, in the end after a number of research"
studies (employing a variety of formulas to ensure objectivity) the firm failed to find any respected proven sources- business studies, business surveys, or business magazines - establishing a direct relationship between smartphone use and business success.

האב איך זיך אוועגעצט שרייבן די דאזיגע בריוו צום מחבר:

Mr. David Rubel,

I like thousands of others received Today the booklet "we mean Business" 'are smartphones smart business tools', it looked like a real open minded honest informational booklet, so I started reading in the hopes of getting true insight in the matter.

As I start reading beginning with your letter which I Quote "I have conducted an exhausting search to find studies, articles....."

I truly hope you where not paid for this exhausting search, which is one Google search and all resources show up on the first page, I did the same and had all you results (plus much more) in just about 20 seconds.

But to the point,

Your source at careerbuilder mentions that only 1 in 5 (19 percent) of employers say that workplace productivity fell, of those only 55% say its the smartphone that's the culprit, that's just about 10% total, see how small the numbers are, but more to the point, since these numbers are just generalizing, the question is how did the phone distract them, is it the clock? playing games? social media? Oh! the answer is right there on that same page:

Cell phone/texting: 55 percent
The Internet: 41 percent
Gossip: 39 percent
Social media: 37 percent
Co-workers dropping by: 27 percent
Smoke breaks or sneak breaks: 27 percent
Email: 26 percent

So the biggest contributor 55% is for phone calls and texting which are done by any simple phone and has nothing to do with smartphones, and yes it was right there in the article "When looking for a culprit, more than half of employers (55 percent) say that workers' mobile phones/texting are to blame." not smartphones, not the internet not social media, just regular old fashion phone calls and texting!!

What a shame to take a the platform of IPB and whoever is sponsoring it and distorted facts, do you really think Klal Yisrael is stupid? once again we come to see the hypocrisy in those trying to push their agendas, this is the reason so many of us are nebech loosing the trust in our Gedolim, why push misinformation claiming it is unbiased? on page 9 of the Booklet "we engaged an independent firm to conduct their own unbiased research... the process took a number of weeks and thousands of dollars to complete. in the end, after a number of research studies (employing a variety of formulas to ensure objectivity)..." Are you not ashamed with these brazen lies, I don't know how many Thousands we are talking here, but weeks to complete?! employing a variety of formulas?! that's one google search!

How did you not find this Forbes article:

Is Mobility The Answer To better Employee Productivity?
Daniel Newman

Mobility is no longer a “buzzword” or just the “hottest new shiny thing.” Today, mobility is mainstream, and it’...

Employees Say Smartphones Boost Productivity

Employees Say Smartphones Boost Productivity

Respondents in a Frost & Sullivan survey report that smartphone usage can dramatically boost productivity and im...

Statistics on Mobility in the Workplace: Productivity Improves

[url=null]Statistics on Mobility in the Workplace: Productivity Improves[/url]
See how the latest enterprise mobility statistics drive innovative IT solutions that improve technology and prod...

Study: 'Leisure browsing' increases productivity

Study: 'Leisure browsing' increases productivity

Slackers, take heart--a survey out of Australia says that "Workplace Internet Leisure Browsing" makes workers mo...

There is much more in the booklet that are misinforming, but I only addressed what is referring specifically to your assessment.

Best wishes,

A chasidishe Yid!

דער אשכול פארמאגט 15 תגובות

איר דארפט זיין א רעגיסטרירטער מעמבער און איינגעשריבן צו זען די תגובות.

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